Koriko: A Magical Year is a “contemplative” solo ttrpg from Mousehole Press. Its heavily inspired by Kiki’s Delivery Service and in it you play a young witch who is leaving home to spend a year in a new city (Koriko). The set up, style, art, etc are all extremely cozy!
I won this game in a raffle done by my friend Jakob. Not only did I get a gorgeous boxed set of Koriko, Jakob is also sending me his playthrough journal pages by mail. I wish I could express how wonderful the experience of receiving this game and those pages has been but I don’t really have the words for it. Just know I am elated and every time I look at the contents of the box or those journal pages, I can’t help but grin.
Before I dive into my playthrough, I also want to say that Koriko has been an amazing experience for me as a game writer. The way Koriko handles the introductory part especially is wonderful and has made me rethink how I bring players into my own games.
My Journal

I did make my journal for this playthrough. The base of it (the brown paper) is recycled from the packing paper that was in the package from Jakob. I added to that pink construction paper, other recycled paper, stickers from my ever growing and changing sticker collection, and more.
I won’t be using it as a traditional journal where you write on each page directly. Instead the brown pages act more as foundations and pockets for the actual journal pages which are written on scraps of paper.
Introducing Maddie

My name is Madeleine Bogamann. I am a 16 year old witch-in-training. When you first see me you’ll probably notice my bright red cheeks like candy apples, that I’m shorter than most teenagers, and that I smell like candy.
I wear clothes covered in patches and embroidery as well as a faded leather bag. In it I carry sweets, my journal, and my every shifting and changing collection of found objects (today I added a tortoise shell button and a silver stick from a birch tree that is the exact length of my smallest finger).
You’ll probably also notice my familiar, Edward, a skittish hermit crab. Our bond is so strong we can even talk to each other, though you probably won’t understand us.
Most folk from the village would say I am lucky. As for me, I think I’m probably boring and shy. I’d like to be more creative and charming though.
I’m writing this from Carnaby, the quiet little village I’ve lived in my whole life.
I live here with Mahb, the village witch. She’s my mom, or a close approximation to my mom. I was sent to her as a baby, when my birth parents realized what I was.
People in the village say Mahb is strange but harmless. She’s actually very powerful but just as forgetful.
They’ve acted as my mother and mentor, teaching me the basics of teh old ways. we’ve learned a lot together…mostly recipes for potions and candy alike – Mahb loves making candy.
Now its time for me to put what I’ve learned into practice on my own. Me and my familiar will be leaving the next full moon. Just 2 days! I hope to hone my magic into something truly special…but I also want to prove witchcraft can be more than dead myths, dusty recipes, and eccentric women in lonely cottages.
When I dream about my new home, I wake up with lingering memories of dusty libraries hiding rare tomes and the restorative tang of freshly brewed tea.
Two days until I leave…
I wish I was more like Mahb – optimistic and carefree as she stirs her cauldron full of caramel. That said, I’m glad that I am more careful than her – she is still nursing the latest caramel burn on her arm. (I made extra waybread and lavender salve for various injuries so she has plenty while I am gone.)
The local spirits were encouraging as I told them goodbye today. They always believed in my potential. I hope I can live up to their faith in me.
Our neighbor, Mr. Pratt, thinks I am a fool to leave and will only meet misfortune. Then again, he sees rainclouds on clear days – so Mahb says.
I went to my favorite spot in the village today to sort of say goodbye. The tiny cafe by the old crumbling fountain. Its full of frogs and I like to listen to them while I drink tea cloud with cream, and journal.

I needed the moment today as I work through earlier. Mahb sprang a final trial on me. A complex glamour potion stored in a peach candy. I failed miserably – burned the sugar and forgot the necessary pearl essence we brewed last Strawberry Moon. Mahb was able to salvage the mess but the glamour was weak.
She reminded me of the complexity of the spell and her own mishap years ago making a potion to ease childbirth. (The eldest Yuan boy still whistles like a bird when he’s upset, just like when he was born.) It didn’t really help me feel better but I do hope it was just nerves that made me mess up and not my own lack of magical talent.
When the full moon reached its zenith, I left home alone, silently.
Despite being able to see the moon clearly, it was raining lightly on Carnaby.
My few belongings have been packed and re-packed. Edward is safe in my pocket. All was quiet as I shut the door behind us.
I’m glad its just the two of us. Its tradition. It also keeps Mahb from seeing me all flustered. I can blame my tears on the rain and everyone in Carnaby would believe me but Mahb.
When I looked back, I saw her in the window, eyes just as wet as mine.
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