If you haven’t yet, be sure to read part 1 where I explain what Koriko is, how I obtained this game, why I’m doing my playthrough, etc.

The Journey to Koriko
I’ve never traveled this far from Carnaby before!
I’ve mostly been following the stars. Sirius, is risen and while it is known to inflame bees and tempers, it also is a protector. I think it will guide me true.

Flight is tiring. I’ve never been on a broom so long and even Edward is tired of riding in my pocket.
Trying to conserve our money, I decided to camp. Edward hates camping but I’d rather not write to Mahb for more funds unless I absolutely have to.
Our first night, we camped in an open field. The night was clear and smelled for hay. Edward grumbled in his shell but slept soundly.
The second night we slept outside of a town in an old barn. Earlier that day we met another young witch!
Her name was Jasmine and the town was where she did her year away fro training. They seemed very mature but from what she told me she was returning from blessing the milk cows the give sweet milk. I asked if it was the Calico charm. She said yes but seemed put off that I said it so lightly. I don’t know why I worried about it but I quickly commended her and told her I’d only ever done it on goats. Edward later reminded me of teh lie but I ignored him. The charm is one Mahb taught me so we would have good milk for caramels.
The third night we slept among some ancient stones.
Our last day of flight, I saw children below through rocks at a bogart. I flew down and called them off, though they kept yelling back foul words at the “monster.”
The bogart was cheered by some candy and warned me not to trust people in towns, especially their ill-mannered children. “The world isn’t what it used to be,” they said. “It no longer respects magic.”
I am not sure what first drew me to Koriko. I do know that the first sign of the city I saw, even before my frist glimpse of the sea, was one of its fantastic airships. It gleamed brass and bronze and the crew waved at me as we passed. What a wonderful welcome!

The roads from north and south and east all seem to lead here and are filled with all sorts of people- stalwart pilgrims to theater troupes.
Koriko’s buildings are painted white like the sand and gleam under the sun like the glittering sea beyond. The streets and skies are full of machines. They are made of brass and copper, filling the air with clouds of steam or glints of electrium crystals. The whole effect is like a box of gems under spectral light even in midday. Like the stars themselves have come down to dance in the shell laden streets.
My welcome to Koriko was as different as the people who live here. Mostly it was indifference – people are so busy milling about they don’t have time for anyone else, even a new witch.
A few young people, around my age, stopped me and asked if I was really a witch. I said I was and one boy, taller than the rest, told me to prove it. I could hardly brew a potion on teh street so I did a little scrying in a nearby puddle. It was cloudy with dirt and bits of broken shell but after a bit a vision of the boy being scorned by a girl in a yellow dress appeared. The group laugehd but the boy called me a hag and stormed off. The group seemed to think I had cursed him to lead a loveless life and only laughed again when I assured them I had not.

Dear Mahb,
I have arrived at Koriko, a city near the Summar Sea. I write to you from a small boarding house on a street called Seychelles. I won’t be staying here for long as the room is little more than a closet even for such high prices but it is comfortable enough until I get settled. I’ll send my new address as soon as I can so I can hear back from you.
The journey here was longer than I thought it would be. Still, I think you woul dhave enjoyed the trip, especially the ancient stones.
I met another witch along the way. She is finishing her training in a town called Brodishal, southwest of Carnaby. Its mostly farming that way. Lots of cows. I bet she’s good at the Calico charm. Thinking of it makes me miss your caramels.
Koriko is so big. At least ten times the size of Carnaby! I admit, I’m a little dazzled by its tall white buildings, shell laden streets, and so many machines! I wonder if there are any wizard artificers here?
Edward says it is noisy. He sisn’t wrong and I sort of miss the quiet when we were camping. I think this place will be perfect though. There is so much to learn here even if the people aren’t particularly friendly.
I hope you are well.
Edward sends his regards.
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